Pauline Douglas Inner Quest

Pauline Douglas Inne​​​​​r Quest

Intuitive Technologies

Liar Liar

Intuition Essays and Articles
An essay about building Self-Esteem through Integrity.
By Pauline Douglas Inner Quest

Inner Quest Intuition Articles

Liar Liar

The Bullshit Paradigm
Why do humans lie, cheat and steal?
The journey towards personal power and peace of mind, involves many things ... but the one trait that is paramount to achieving a state of empowerment - is giving up dishonesty.

Of course - you and I have never uttered an untruth in our lives have we?
 ...  but that also means we come from another planet ~ because ...

When A Human Is Born ...

 ... within the first year of their life they will learn to eat, communicate ... and tell their first lie.

You could say that lying is a principal state of childhood - and remaining so is the sign of an unconscious human being ... the trait of deceitfulness in an adult can be linked directly back to how much trust was available to their life whilst growing up.

People are untruthful for many reasons - but the practice stems predominantly from Fear ...

  • Fear of Consequences,
  • Fear of Failure,
  • Fear of Rejection,
  • Fear of Losing,
  • Fear of Loss of Face ...

Dishonesty ranges from the simple failure to face the truth about an everyday issue like a relationship, a job or a debt, to the more sinister pathological liar, a guilt free individual who can convince themselves that what they say is the truth.

The Professional Fabricators

It can be hard to move away from dishonesty when in our modern society we even have respected lying professions - such as lawyers, marketers, politicians and accountants.  We can be grateful to those in these industries who practice Ethics.

All criminal charges, financial difficulties, relationship problems and business issues have their roots in failing to acknowledge the truth.  Being a Winner in life is as simple as putting aside the childhood trait of twaddle ...

Honesty makes good business and relationship sense - it's fool proof and fail safe.  Your life becomes more relaxed, you feel more powerful, you ARE more powerful, your vibrations change to attract more honest people into your life and finally, you enter the Zone where achievements happen.

Honesty enters you into a state of empowerment that is well rewarded by the Laws of Attraction, unless ...

... you make the mistake of becoming a "Pious Honest Freak!"

The reformed liar can become like the reformed smoker, righteously smashing those about them who may still have the story telling trait ...

Compulsive Liars already live in a desperately sad world, rejected from a happier existence until such time as they reach their own honesty awakening.  Empowerment is to take care of our own back yard, striving for 100% honesty in all dealings our self, permitting others to fall down and recover in their own time.

Amazingly as we achieve this, we gain a sixth sense of the integrity of those around us, an uncanny new ability to be able to pick out the honest and dishonest in a heartbeat.

So, what of encountering a really bad dude.

... the type that lies, cheats and steals? and really doesn't care that they do ... infact they delight in it ..

Oddly enough, the minute you make a stand to be totally honest - these types of Dudes will suddenly appear in your life from nowhere! 

Could this be a Universal Test?

This is your opportunity to stand firm and move away from dishonesty.

Always bear in mind that contracting with deceit on any level will be your own demise.

Of course, if you are the one who is suffering from becoming stuck in the emotional and relationship penalties of a not so honest existence ~ well now you know, you're not alone!  

You can forgive yourself for being a human being and decide to give the trait up today ... after all, all you have lose ... is being a Loser!

Well ~ Think about it!

  • Liar Liar
  • Consequences
  • Dishonesty
  • Honesty Heals
  • Intuition
  • Self Improvement
  • Motivational
  • Psycho Dynamics
  • Leadership
  • Inner Child
  • Empowerment
  • Awareness
  • Achievement
  • Inner Quest
  • Psycho Dynamics

Inner Quest With 
Pauline Douglas

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