Pauline Douglas Inner Quest

Pauline Douglas Inne​​​​​r Quest

Do You


A Program About Negative Intuition

How negative thoughts and expression cause harm to the self and others.

Section 1.
By Pauline Douglas Inner Quest

 A Program About Negative Intuition 

  Do You Voodoo?   

The Psychology of Negative Intuition

I once considered developing a correspondence course on how to cast Evil Spells and mete out catastrophe upon absentee opponents, to demonstrate the power of negative intuition, but … then I thought "heavens, what's the point!"

With all due respect to the genuine Voodoo Practitioners, we in the modern western world are by far the greater masters of Negative Intuition, much more so than any of those who might stick pins into candle wax dolls…

 The Spooky Slant On Intuition 

Intuition as we commonly understand it, touches all of us at some point in our life. This "inkling" arrives as an inexplicable gut feeling or hunch about a person or situation, and often for no good intellectual reason can be the cause of a change of heart or direction.

Intuition is that extra sensory part of us that is connected to our instinctive self, the same survival mechanism used by the animal kingdom to survive. Our instinctive self is steered by our unconscious, the same entity that unerringly drives the mechanics of our body.

As we pass through our daily life we rarely give a thought to the massive daily replenishment of the trillions of cells that make up our body. Neither are we aware of the hearts faithful work, to swirl an entire blood system several times, throughout a network of veins and arteries, in a matter of only minutes.

Humans were set apart from the animal kingdom by possessing, what is commonly termed as consciousness. This unique mind gift was divided into three sophisticated capabilities, the intellect, the conscience and creativity.

Consciousness intended that we have the ability to think abstractly or profoundly, possess an inner source of moral or ethical judgment and have the supremacy to create. 

 By contrast the family dog may appear to feel guilty, but he couldn't give a hoot about the environment or a Van Gogh. 

Animals are perceptive to the vibrating energy of the land, the weather, the heavens and the intentions of other animals. They rely on their senses in such a way that they can "smell" danger, "feel" safety and "sense" other animals intentions.

Humans are instinctive too, but over the last several thousand years, particularly in the Western world, we have moved into our heads, quashing our intuitive selves, preferring instead to conduct our lives mostly through the intellect.

 Intelligence or Intelligently Disadvantaged? 

With the onset of the technological age, we came to understand that all matter was molecular in structure, thereby having vibration and frequency. We learned that even the most finite frequencies such as light and sound were broadcast infinitely.

Thus being so, it became understandable that every thought or emotion experienced would alter the density of our body to in turn modify the frequencies that we emit.

It is these same frequencies that we pick up "intuitively" when we don't "feel" right about another individual, or what might be occurring in the space around us.

 Journal Time 

 The Negative Intuition Exercises. 

A couple of fun ways for you to experience negative and positive intuition, and your first "aware"  Metaphysical Moments.  Best experienced as a Group or Pair.

  1.  Silent Communications

Bring to mind to a handful of people you know, or have known, who were able to make you feel wonderful or dreadful without uttering a word.  Can you identify how they did this?  Discuss then Journal your thoughts.

    2.  Body Intuition 1.     

Go to a quiet room and lie down if possible, close your eyes and move your awareness and senses around your body.  Starting with each toe on the left foot, track awareness to the foot, the knee, the full leg and continue until you have covered all major parts of your body to arrive at the toes on the right foot.  

Which parts of your body could you feel easily and parts were harder.  Did you feel any unconscious bodiy re-actions. For example, could you feel your heart beating, blood flowing, itching, or your breath while inhaling and exhaling. Discuss then Journal your thoughts. 

3. Body Intuition 2.

Choose two life circumstances (can be animal, vegetable or mineral) one that disgusts you and another that you elatedly adore.   Bring your awareness to each good or bad circumstance in turn, dropping your awareness to your body.  Did you have any pleasant or uncomfortable body sensations?  How about your feelings and emotions.  Discuss then Journal your thoughts. 

  4. Energy Awareness.    

You will need at least one (willing) person to help you with this exercise, it is a great (sober!) party activity too. Have some paper and pens around, so participants can jot down their experiences.    

To keep the integrity of this exercise, participants should NOT tell each other their experiences until the game is complete.  

  Action 1.     

Stand opposite each other, and if a group is participating take turns to be the individual opposite the group.

  a.   One side should firstly project  kind, happy and loving thoughts towards the receiving side.  What did you all feel? Jot down for later discussion. 

 b.  The same side should now switch to project a mean, unkind or hateful thought and feeling towards the receiver(s).  What did you all feel?  Jot down for later discussion. 

 c.  The same side should again project a kind, happy and loving thoughts and feelings towards the receiver(s), but this time, the receiver will project back mean, unkind and hateful thoughts and feelings back.  What did you all feel?  Jot down for later discussion. 

 d.  Once again ask the sending side to again project a mean, unkind and hateful thought towards the receiver, but this time, the receiver will project back a kind, happy and loving thought and feeling back. What did you all feel? Jot down for later discussion. 

 Switch and continue until all participants have had a turn at being the individual 

When the game is over compare notes, discuss your experiences and Journal your thoughts.  

 Action 2.   

Discussion how will you now use this knowledge about Negative Intuitive in future relationships?    Journal your thoughts.

Let us now move to the second part of this program to Do You Voodoo 2..  

  • Intuition
  • Positive Energy 
  • Negative Energy
  • Silent Communication
  • Intuitive Technologies
  • Do You Voodoo
  • Kindness
  • Senses
  • Leadership
  • Empowerment
  • Empowerment
  • Awareness
  • Achievement
  • Inner Quest
  • Psycho Dynamics

Inner Quest With Pauline Douglas
Inner Quest Intuitive Technologies Reg BN 
 Intuitive Technologies
Inspiration Motivation

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